This post comes in after a long time, really long time. It's close to a month since I hadn't posted anything here. Reason ? Well we had our final exams for Trim 2 and trust me it has been one of the most gruelling trimesters yet. Though we had just 5 subjects, but all of them were 3 credits and hence a pretty important semester. The exams were held in the last three weeks and concluded last Sunday. The 3rs Trimester starts coming Sunday !
I must say that this was the one exam where I was totally unprepared. Turbulence and work place, clients and stuff didn't leave me with much time on had to prepare for the exams. I've done my best and hoping for an 'All-Pass' report soon. Don't have the courage to re-appear for Financial Management or Managerial Accounting exams...
That's pretty much what happened in the past one month. From next week on wards, you'll get the regular posts as per our class schedule. Hoping for a good trimester and a good report card too ;) That officially concludes the 2nd Trimester of Executive MBA at NMIMS Hyderabad.
Done with Trimester 2 Executive MBA at NMIMS Hyderabad
Reviewed by The Executive
May 28, 2018
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